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Richard Loveridge-Smith

Medium - Seer - Tutor

Birmingham England UK


Richard .

Please always remember, the Spirit People are the real personal trainers, Physical Tutors teach and Mediums clearly channel and a few in this world are dedicated to both. You are reading this not by chance but because you should be, enjoy the journey and live happy !


Development -

Whenever you are ready to move forward with your journey, Richard will happily work with you and the Spirit World, on a one to one basis. Carefully helping and supporting your development, Mediumship Awareness, Connection, Circle Work, Public Platform and Seance, with clear guidance and tuition from Spirit, specifically for you. Richards specialist interests are within Mediumship Assessment and troubleshooting, working with many Mediums around the globe from those beginning their journey to some of the most well known names in professional Mediumship.


Personal Reading - Richard works in two very different ways.

Mediumship as a channel for Spirit communication.

Psychic, soul, card & palm reading, Love, Home, Work, Money, Life.


Costs - £475.00 (30 minutes), £850.00 (1 hour) Skype.

Personal sittings - POA.

Personal Development - POA.


Please Note -

Richard is happy to work either way but would like to make clear, while working on a Psychic level, Spirit communication will not take place, due to Mediumship having very different development and disciplines than working on the Psychic level.

Richard feels both have a place in our modern world, just not together and packaged as one, the happy medium in many ways.

24C - Copyright 2017

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