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Richard Loveridge-Smith

Medium - Seer - Tutor

Birmingham England UK



Richard was born in Moseley, Birmingham, England, 1969.


Richard had a natural ability as a Seer, he has developed his Mediumship over many years, with people from all over the globe. A calling to look a little deeper, stars aligning, lots of fine tuning and attention to detail, in all disciplines and a gifted Medium is the end result, or as Richard would put it "I'm just a link between 2 worlds".


Richard never consciously went in this direction of Mediumship but simply says "when your life is touched by the Spirit World, you will know 100%, you feel spirit around you, your aware 24/7 that things are different and your sensitivity goes through the roof."

He experienced things, that at first were very frightening but are now as natural as breathing, he has walked this path and will happily help anyone who is touched in this way.


He takes no credit for his gifts and thanks the following, "Credit has to go to Redditch Spiritualist Church, the SNU Exponents Scheme, the Arthur Findlay College at Stansted, LWISSD and Lily Dale in the USA. I am blessed to have developed my Mediumship in such sacred places, to have sat, where many now in the Spirit World have before me,  whose names are etched in the history books of Mediumship. Those tutors who had their hands full with my daily how's and why's, yet gave their time to structure, discipline and give purpose to my work, along with all in Spirit who work with me, I thank you."


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